FAQ's and Policies Minimum Order: We do not have any minimum orders. Sales Tax will be charged to all Nebraska orders unless a Resale Tax ID Number is furnished and we have a copy of your Certificate in our files. Shipping Charges: We charge a flat $5 shipping charge on all orders under $50.00. All orders over $50.00 ship free! We never charge our customers a handling fee. This is part of our job and we're happy to pack your order with the best of care! Shipping Lead Times: Most orders ship within two (2) business days. If for some reason there is a delay in shipping your order, you will be contacted. Payment Options: Currently, we accept Visa, MasterCard, Pay-Pal, Personal Checks and Money Orders for Retail orders. Please note that by paying via Personal Check or Money Orders will delay your order, as we will need to make sure that they have been cleared by our bank before shipping your order. We do not accept COD orders. Wholesale Orders: Check or Money Order only. Returned Checks: There is a $25 surcharge applicable to any and all first time Returned Checks. If you issue a check that is returned by the bank, no other checks will be accepted on future orders. Backorders: If you have ordered an item that is currently not in stock, you will be notified. Always submit your telephone number and e-mail address when placing an order. Returns: PLEASE NOTE: NO RETURNS!!!!!. Due to the personal care aspect of our products, we cannot guarantee purity once those items leave our facility and we cannot resell them to anyone else. We want all of our customers to be thrilled with our products so please ask any questions before ordering to insure your satisfaction when your package is delivered. Damage Claims: If a package is obviously damaged upon arrival, please refuse delivery and notify us immediately. If an order is damaged only internally, please notify us within two (2) days of receipt of order to place a claim. All boxes, packaging materials, and product must remain intact and undisturbed in order to process a claim. There is a very high possibility that the shipping carrier will need to inspect the damaged order QUESTIONS? Please e-mail us at info@simplesoothings.com or call us at 402-435-3985. |
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